man explaining What Exactly Is a Short Circuit?

What Exactly Is a Short Circuit?

Home electricians often answer calls about short circuits. Most homeowners understand the basics of what a short circuit means.

When there is a short circuit, it means that there has been an electrical connection established you do not want. However, there is more to it than that.

Basics of Short Circuits

In the simplest language, a short circuit is an electrical path that is not intended. This means that two electrical points are connected that should not connect. A short circuit is when an electrical connection is completed in a shorter time than it is supposed to.

Electrical connections are designed to take a specific route. When that path is shortened between two connections unintentionally, a short circuit occurs. It is a problem that needs to be addressed.

The Common Causes of a Short Circuit

While causes can vary, the most common problem is age. Electric panels should be replaced about every 25-40 years. If you are living in an older home, replacing your electrical panel can help to avoid the biggest risk of short circuiting. Home electricians often find that outdated electric panels are the culprit behind short circuits.

Age is the biggest problem when it comes to short circuits. As wires age, they can fray and come loose, which results in them connecting with other live wires. Rough handling of electrical connections can also play a role in causing short circuits.

Mice and other rodents can also have a hand in creating a short circuit. Rodents are well-known for chewing through wires and coverings, leaving wires exposed. Exposed wires can create a short circuit.

The Dangers of Short Circuits

Finding out the lights won’t turn on and having to call home electricians to manage the problem is frustrating, but unfortunately, short circuits are not only an inconvenience — they are a danger. Safe operation of electrical appliances, and any type of household electricity, depends on a safe circuit. When a wire short circuits, it poses a fire risk.

Short circuiting can also pose an electrocution risk to the user. If you suspect that you are dealing with a short circuit, the best way to correct the problem is to contact a trusted electrician to fix the problem. You never want to risk your family’s or your home’s safety with an electrical problem. An experienced electrician can fix the problem fast.

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