Tips to Lower Electricity Costs Over the Winter

Tips to Lower Electricity Costs Over the Winter

In 2019 alone, American electric utilities generated about 2.25 billion megawatt-hours of electricity, with many of these hours being generated over winter. Fortunately, despite these setbacks, there are ways in which you can save money on your electricity bill every month. Let’s dive in.

Utilize the Sun

Although the daylight hours may be shorter during the wintertime, there is still plenty of time during which the sun can light and heat your home. Open your curtains and blinds, and let the natural light come through. Not only will this illuminate your home during the day, allowing you to turn your overhead lights off, but it will also naturally heat your home. However, you should close your curtains at night. This will prevent your home from becoming chilled prematurely.

Close Your Doors and Vents

If you’re not using a room at the moment, close the doors and vents connected to that room. If you’re not using that room, you don’t need to waste money on heating that room. Closing your vents and doors will essentially seal the room off, and allow you to conserve energy.

Reset Your Water Heater

It’s important for you to reset your water heater thermostat as winter sets in. Water heaters are the second-highest source of energy usage in the home, and water heater thermostats are often set to be much higher than is necessary. Turn your thermostat down by a few degrees, and you may be surprised by how much money you save.

Use Space Heaters

There is no need to use your main heater everywhere in the house. In smaller spaces, a space heater will do just as well. Electric space heaters are energy efficient and can keep smaller areas in your home warm. They don’t experience heat loss through ducts or combustion, either.

Before winter sets in, have your home inspected by electricians. This will allow you to ensure that your home is running as efficiently as possible.

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