electrical contractor

How Can an Electrical Contractor Help Lower Your Energy Consumption?

Are you noticing an increase in your energy bills and wondering how you can lower your energy consumption by hiring a local electrician? By changing just a few things in your home and adding a few annual appointments to your schedule, you can see a big change. Let’s take a closer look at a few ways a local electrical contractor can lower your energy consumption with just a few simple services.

Get Regular Inspection and Maintenance Services

By simply making a regular service appointment for an inspection or maintenance on your home’s electrical system, your energy consumption can decrease. An electrical contractor can let you know if there are any issues they’ve found and can give you some great tips on how you can use less energy throughout the day. With these simple service appointments, you can see a difference in your monthly energy bills, especially if there’s an issue you didn’t know about.

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Replace Old Appliances

As appliances get older, they start to use a lot more energy because they have to work harder. By replacing your current appliances with brand-new, energy-efficient ones, you will see a decrease in your energy bill and your energy consumption. An electrician will be able to find out if your appliances are energy efficient for your home.

Replace Lighting

There are new light bulbs that are way more energy efficient than those made ten years ago. If you’ve had the same lightbulbs for a while, you may want to consider getting them switched out. An electrical contractor will be able to advise you on which lightbulbs are the most energy efficient, and they can even change them out for you. According to research, LED lights consume 80-90% less energy than incandescent bulbs. They even last up to 100,000 hours versus 3,000 hours for an incandescent. With brand-new lightbulbs, you can use them longer and you won’t have to worry about using too much energy.

Just by adding these few changes to your home, you will be able to see a decrease in your energy consumption. If you’re looking for a reputable team of local electricians, don’t hesitate to give us a call today. We’d love to schedule an appointment for an inspection or maintenance service for your home’s electrical system.

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