3 Common Home Electrical Problems

Common Home Electrical Problems

Electrical problems at home can be a common occurrence. One study from the National Fire Protection Association explains that electrical failures or malfunctions were the second leading cause of U.S. home fires in 2012-2016. When the problem is minor and poses no threat, you can fix it on your own. However, suppose an electrical fault is more complicated and poses a risk of causing injury.  In that case, it is advisable to hire a residential electrical contractor in your area to resolve the issue.

The following are some of the most common electrical problems they may face in a household, their causes, and possible solutions.


They are commonly known as electric surges, mainly caused by defective wiring in the house, lightning strikes, downed power lines, or faulty appliances at home. Typically, an electrical surge lasts for no more than a few seconds. If frequent surges are not dealt with promptly, they can cause damage to electrical devices connected to your home, shortening their lifespan.

If there are frequent surges in your home, they are probably caused by an electrical device connected to the home grid or broken wiring. Disconnecting non-performing devices or power boards from the outlet may stop the surge altogether. Still, you should consult with a residential electrical repair company near your area if this does not work.

Circuit Breakers Tripping Frequently

A circuit breaker can trip when power-consuming gadgets are drawing in high wattage from the same source. The purpose of a circuit breaker is to protect your home from extraordinary power discharge. If it trips, it only means there is the possibility of excess power output.
You can prevent your circuit breaker from tripping by identifying devices that may be drawing in the excess wattage of power and limiting the amount of electricity used in a single circuit.

Electrical Shocks

However mild an electrical shock may be, it is not a desirable experience. It should remind us that electricity is dangerous when mishandled. Electric shocks at home mainly occur during the turning of devices on or off.

This could be an issue with the device or with the wiring in the house. Although you can test this by connecting another appliance to the outlet, be careful not to expose yourself to another shock. It would be better to seek out a residential electrical repair company in your area to assess the issue.

Common Home Electrical Problems

Overloaded Circuit

One of the most prominent causes of circuit breaker tripping is overloaded power boards. Your circuit is likely overloaded if the circuit breaker keeps tripping. Most homes are not designed with ample power points to cater to appliances that draw large power output.

Circuits overloading can be prevented by:

  • Spreading electronic devices in use evenly around the house so as not to overbear one circuit.
  • Not connecting unnecessary heavy electrical equipment
  • Disconnecting devices from the circuit after they are no longer in use

Overloading the electrical circuit can also occur when you use a light bulb with a higher wattage than the fixture was designed for. The warmth from the bulb melts the socket and insulation in the fixture’s wires. This may likely cause an electrical fire. To avoid this, try using low-watt light bulbs.

Some reasons why light bulbs burn out include:

  • Their wattage being too high
  • When the insulation in the fixture is too close to the light
  • There may be too much total wattage on one switch with a dimmer switch
  • There may be a poor connection on the circuit if the lights are flickering
  • Broken wiring on the circuit.
  • The main electrical board may be on the blink

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When Power Sags and Dips

Similar to electrical surges, power sags and dips are likely to occur because of the equipment connected to your power grid. There may be faulty gadgets, or you may have heavy electrical appliances running at the same time.
Powering on these devices draws in a lot of power. The electrical panel being used may also be outdated. When power sags and dips, the lights dim and brighten without completely going off.

Light Switches Not Working or Working Poorly

Light switches would not work as intended mainly because of substandard inferior quality products installed around the house. Other times the cause may be light wiring. Sometimes you may come across switches that do not seem to activate power output. The best way to resolve this issue is to get a professional electrician to fix it.

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Exposed Junction Box

The junction box protects wires that are installed and connected during the construction of a building. If left uncovered and exposed, these wires pose a significant danger to people’s safety as they are at risk of getting a shock from an exposed live wire. The junction box should always be screwed shut and located in a secluded area around the compound. If that is not your case, you should contact a residential electrical contractor near you to fix the issue right away.

Electrical Outlets Not Working

Most homes today are equipped with GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupts) in bathrooms and kitchens. These are outlets that can detect a change in current flowing through an outlet. When the electrical current changes, the GFCI shuts it off. The flow of current usually changes because of moisture.

If the GFCI shuts the current off, ensure that the device you were using is not wet or has not contacted moisture. Using old and faulty appliances may also cause the GFCI to stop the current. To resolve this, you should remove the defective device or any other device you were using and press the reset button on the outlet.

how to avoid electrical fires

Sometimes the GFCI shuts off accidentally. If you try the reset button and it does not work, you should contact a professional electrician.

For outlets that do not have GFCI, the probable cause of current not flowing would be faulty wiring. You should not try and check for the problem or attempt to fix it yourself. Consult a professional electrician to resolve the matter.

Some of the electrical problems discussed above are simple and can be avoided or resolved without much assistance. Still, most of them are more complicated and require an experienced electrician to help fix the problem.

You may want to contact an electrical service provider near you. Reyco Electrical Services offers reliable, timely services at reasonable prices and has an excellent rating. Without the necessary skill set, it is not advisable to attempt to fix electrical problems in your home as this may have dire consequences to your health.

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