residential electrician

In What Situations Should You Call an Emergency Residential Electrician?

According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), an estimated 51,000 fires occur each year as a result of residential electrical issues. When it comes to you and your family’s safety, don’t take electrical issues lightly. You don’t want a fire or widespread damage to occur because you weren’t sure if calling an electrician was necessary. Here are a few signs that it is time to contact an emergency residential electrician.

Electrical Hazards Following a Storm

If your area has suffered a severe storm and you suspect there may be an electrical issue, call an emergency electrician as soon as possible. They will inspect your electrical system to ensure everything is in order before you turn your power back on.

Sparking Outlets

Faulty appliances, overloaded circuits, and outdated wiring can cause hazardous electrical issues. Your outlets can emit smoke or spark, which can cause a fire if the situation isn’t inspected by an emergency residential electrician right away. Don’t let a sparking outlet be ignored.

Water Damage

If your home has water damage, you need to contact a 24/7 electrician as soon as possible. The combination of electricity and water can cause damage to not only your home but also put the safety of those in it at risk. An electrician will know to turn off the power supply so they can determine how much damage has occurred and understand when your home’s power can be turned back on safely.

Noises From Electrical System

Overloaded outlets and faulty wires can cause your electrical system to make some odd noises. You shouldn’t ignore these noises because they can indicate that there is an electrical hazard waiting to be found.

Sudden Loss of Power

If families in your neighborhood have power and yours suddenly turns off, there could be a bigger electrical issue at hand. An emergency residential electrician can troubleshoot and discover why your home has suddenly lost power.

As you can see, there are a few situations where calling a 24/7 emergency electrician can be life-saving. It’s important to review these signs with your family, too, so everyone is aware of them. If you find yourself in any of the situations outlined above, contact Reyco Electrical Services. We will provide you with qualified electrical contractors to perform emergency electrical inspections and repairs.

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